If you want to change your fretboard's appearance, for example the number of frets showing, then you'll need to open the Inspector window. The simplest way to do this is to just double click on an item you want to inspect! (except for text objects - double clicking these will activate edit mode) As the Inspector is an important part of the Neck Diagrams software there are several other ways to access it...
- you can also use the Inspector button on the toolbar (available when in the Edit Diagrams view only).
The Inspector toolbar button
- you can also open the Inspector menu from the right-click context menu (or ⌘+click if your a Mac using with no right mouse button) from any item on the diagram page, or on the page background itself.
The Inspector context menu option
- if you're a keyboard whizz, you can use the CTRL+I (Mac: ⌘+I) keyboard shortcut too
Once opened, the Inspector window shows the properties for the selected item* on the page. If you have a fretboard selected you will see something like this:
Inspector properties for a fretboard, highlighting where to set the number of visible frets
To change the number of frets on the fretboard, you would use arrow keys or change the number in the 'Frets' box and press ENTER.
* Or multiple items - but the selection must contain items all of the same type, i.e. all fretboards, or all text boxes etc.
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