The New Diagram Page wizard contains pre-defined page ‘templates’. A template is simply a commonly used page layout, which you can reuse as the basis for your own new pages. You can create templates from your own diagram pages, and have them show in the wizard.
When you create a new diagram page you'll be presented with the New Diagram Page wizard, which shows you the available templates👇:
The New Diagram Page wizard showing the default templates.
Selecting a template category from the left hand list will filter the template preview list on the right to only show those in that category.
Creating Your Own Templates
You can create a template from any diagram page you create! Simply create a page as you normally would, placing fretboards, chord boxes and/or text boxes to create the layout you have in mind. Close and save the diagram. Select the diagram in the Diagram Gallery view and right click on it (or alternatively ⌘+click for older single-button Mac mice!) and you will see a ‘Save As Template...’ option in the context menu.
In this example, we have copied an existing page which we would like to reuse, having simply changed the text slightly and removed the notes from some fretboards so we can easily add new scales :
Right clicking on any diagram allows you to save it to the template database.
When you click the Save As Template context menu you'll be prompted for a name for the template.
We'll save this template with the name “The Lydian Mode copy”, and we can now see it listed in the New Diagram Page wizard when the next open it (see image below).
Deleting a Template You No Longer Need 🗑️
If you decide you don't need a template anymore you can delete it, which is done by right clicking on it in the wizard window. You'll see an option to ‘Delete template...’ - click this and if you confirm OK the template will be deleted.
Your custom templates are accessible from the New Diagram Page wizard, and can be deleted here also.
Note: templates are stored completely separately from the original diagram they were based on, so you could delete the original that the template was created from if you wish. However if you delete a template, the only way to recreate it is from the original diagram.
Currently you cannot edit a template - once saved, it cannot be changed. Editing templates is something we plan to add in a future release.
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